Wednesday, September 15, 2010

DYI'ing My Sisterlocks

I am not sure that I will be able to call my sisterlocks….sisterlocks after this weekend. Some sisterlock enthusiasts believe that if you don’t use the sisterlock tool and you are not using (or not) a certified sisterlock consultant then you don’t have sisterlocks.

I know this is what Dr. Jo and the home office promote, but I don’t necessarily agree. I know the purpose behind that thinking is brand driven, and money motivated. Get people to believe that they have a superior product and add a high price to it, and then viola people think they are in an exclusive club.

One of the reasons I was attracted to sisterlocks was because it allowed me to lock and still have a small amount of permed ends. It was never about the brand, it was more about the method. However, had I done the proper research I would have found out that braidlocs and nappylocks would have offered me the same results. If I had known that I may have went the cheaper route. Nevertheless, I do not regret getting sisterlocks, they are beautiful and very versatile.

Sisterlocks are one of the best things that ever happened to my hair. However, the cost of maintenance has really put a strain on my pocketbook. The point of going natural was to get in tune with my natural hair and to lessen the cost of hair maintenance. Honestly, I did not accomplish any of those goals. I was not in tune with my natural hair because I rarely paid attention to it. I left that up to my consultant, I felt she was getting paid to notice changes in my hair and solve any hair dilemmas I may have had. Any y’all already know how a feel about the cost.

Well this is about the third time my consultant has went MIA on me and quite frankly I am sick of it. I don’t feel like I should have to plead, search and wait to PAY someone to do my hair. I understand that things beyond our control happen, but can’t this be communicated? Leaving a message on the voice mail , stating that you are out of the office is simply good business….right. Well, whatever!

Yesterday I started the DYI process. I retighten (reti) about 9 locks. I had a little knotting and I found out I was looping through the same hole. I even to get a few knots out. But for the most part it went smoothly. I found that some locks have very thin roots. I know that some of my locks will be combined to strengthen the root bed. I was upset to find that my consultant continued to latch locks that had thinning roots. Some locks will be combined with purpose and I am positive some will be combined on accident. It is very hard to see what is going on in the back of your head. I will try my best to keep the locks separate. However, my locks are very close to one another and keeping the neighboring lock out of rotation can be hard at times. I am using the 4 point rotation. Hopefully I can finish my entire head this weekend. I will document the process and tell you how I did it, any mistakes I make and if it was all worth it in the end.

I will be using the nappylock tool as well as the latchhook. Keep me lifted up in prayers this weekend. I am determined to do this and be responsible for my own hair. Maybe once I figure it our I will take a reti class so I can offer my services to other sistahs who do not want to pay ridicules prices to have their hair maintained

1 comment:

Beautifully Made! said...

I totally agree with you about the "attitude" of some Sisterlockers. I wrote a blog about it before...Therefore, you HAVE Sisterlocks! You paid for them, even if you do reti's yourself...that's what you have! And take your time with reti's. I've done 5 so far and it still takes me about a week to finish (about 4 hours a day, with breaks...just taking my time). I've found that they come up with the silliness that these "consultants" know more about your hair. Really? You've lived with your hair all these years...these ppl don't know more about you than you do. Stay with it and you'll be fine and your pockets will be richer!