The last time we spoke I was frustrated with my hair because I had not had it retighten in 2 months. Let me first say that my hair now grows extremely quick and after two months I look like I have an afro with locks stick out at the ends. But I was in a financial jam and could afford to go when I needed to go, then when I got the money my loctian could not squeeze me in. So out of pure frustration I looked up another certified sister lock consultant. I found one and upon meeting her I really liked her. She seemed to know a great deal about natural hair and although she did not have her hair sister locked her natural hair was healthy and beautiful.
She examined my hair and assured me she would be able to help and could fit me in the following week. I was super excited. I then asked her how much she charged and she replied “20.00 an hour”. I was cool with that because that is the normal rate. Then she said, “It will take about 4 to 5 hours to completely retighten your hair.” I was prepared to spend that type of money. I was shocked because since I had sister locks the most I ever spent on getting my hair styled and retighten is$ 60.00. When I go as scheduled I normally spend $35.00, as my loctian takes about 1.5 hours to do my hair. Plus I did not feel like sitting for 4-5 hours. I knew she was newly certified and probably had not done it enough to be fast, but I did not want to pay for her slowness. When I told her that the certified sister lock consultant that started my locks only took 8 hours to put them in, she said she never knew anyone could do them so fast. Shout out to my original consultant Tashia Kinney in Los Angeles, she can be reached at 310-383-7996 or by email at, she also does traditional locs…sistah is bad!
Any way I left feeling like a nappy headed lost child who desperately needed her hair done. So guess what. I came up with a really great ideal! I would retighten my hair myself…. how hard could it be. I read on someone’s blog about how they took a plastic knitting needle and retighten their hair. I researched the #4 rotation and was certain that I could save a ton of money by doing my own hair.
I went to Wal-Mart and got a few needles and proceed to do my own hair. I started with the side near my ear. I was doing really good and it felt like I was doing it right. After doing about four of those I came to the front and did the hair closest to the hair line. Next thing I know I was putting knots in my hair instead of retighten, so I moved to another lock and it too looked like a bunch of knots. Instead of stopping I kept going…..before you know it I had about 8 jacked up locks and some very tired hands. I also kept pulling other locks into the rotation. At one point I had four locks all intertwined together. It was a hot mess and I knew I made my situation worse.
There was nothing I could do besides wait on my appointment with my regular loctian. I felt so bad for her because not only did she have to deal with 2 months of naps, she also had to undo the mess I created. One of the locs she could not get the knot out, so she said it had to grow a little bit before she could fix it.
What can I say…another lesson learned the hard way. The pics were taken this morning and it is time to go back to get it retighten again.