It's been quite sometime since I last posted. Well life has a way of getting in the way....if you know what I mean. Well my locks sure are growing! The are getting thicker and maturing nicely. Some are longer than others, some are thinner than others, some are hard at the end, some have balls on the ends, and others are still open........but never the less I still love them! Waking up in the morning and giving them a spritz of my home made concoction is all they need to fall in place and look fierce.
It is not always a love affair. Last week my stylist was off with a cold and my hair looked like a baby afro with locks sticking out. Man if I could have placed a scarf on my head and went to work I would have. But generally there are few times that I am disappointed with my locks.
As they grow out people are starting to ask me more questions about my locks. Of course in the beginning the compliments were few and far between and who could blame them looking like this
But now people are like.......girlllllllll I love those locks.