Friday, October 24, 2008


Hey loc famila,

I usually don't discuss topics outside of my locs. But I would like to take a moment and say get out and vote on NOV 4th, preferably for OBAMA. President Obama (yeah I said it) came to STL last Saturday and it was a sight to behold. There was 100,000 people of all shades, backgrounds and religions at the rally. I felt the energy of change in the air... there was a sense of common purpose and oneness.

I saw that many people choose to bring their kids to the rally and I though man why didn't I grab the nephews and bring them down here. Gotta get the kids involved because if they see you all hyped about voting they will more than likely be voters too! If you are undecided... make up you minds or don't vote. But this thing has being going on for two years how the hell you still gone be undecided when there is only 11 days left. Where the hell where you at during the other 654 days. Well I'mma get off that tangent and just say that I had a good time at the rally,

ps. Hair is doing real well, growing like crazy. I dyed in black and it turned out fine. Next month is my official one year loc-a-versry.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Texture Changes

Hello Fellow Loc'ers,

I thought I was looking cute the other day so I starting clicking away with my camera. But what I'm noticing is a change taking place on the end of my locs. It seems like the ends are swelling. Is this normal? The end of the loc seems to be bigger than the rest of the loc. This may be another stage of loc-dom, cuz at first the ends were open (which some still are) but now they appear to be closing but swollen. Also my hair is changing colors.

The day before I got my locs I dyed my hair black.It did not take long for the dye to wear off. Now my hair is brown with red/orange tips. I think the sun turned the tips but I still wondering why the dye did not last. I think I ill dye it again next month after my loc-a-versery. That's right next month will be a full year of loc-dom. I still love my locs, but if I had to do it all over again I probably would have started with braidlocs. I love sisterlocks, but I got sisterlocks before I knew about braidlocks. I could have got the same look for a few hundred dollars less. As you can guess, I'm not all hung up on the brand of locs, just the end results.